At our August 2022 meeting, there was big news to report. Most of you know that years ago, the Santa Monica Mountains Task Force was the sole party to step up and sue The Edge (guitarist for the band U2) over his proposed five-mansion project in Sweetwater Mesa, Malibu, overlooking the Malibu Pier. It had been green-lighted by the Coastal Commission, so they were a party to the case, too. In a surprising turn of events, the Task Force won a victory in the California Court of Appeal which found the project had been improperly permitted.
There are some rich-and-famous folks who never hear the word “no”. The Edge pressed on and refused to sell the land (pristine ESHA) to an agency — despite a column from L.A. Times pundit Steve Lopez urging him to do so. Well, apparently, that has just changed, and The Edge has approached the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. Price and terms remain to be negotiated, but the fact he is now knocking on the door is encouraging. We have been asked to write letters in support of an acquisition. This happens to be a good time for the availability of State money.
Speaking of politics, we’re barreling toward a big election in November. Big for the environment, that is. Candidates of all stripes are running for an array of offices that affect the Santa Monica Mountains. Longtime staunch environmental activist Sheila Kuhl is termed out on the County Board of Supervisors, District 3, which includes a large chunk of the mountains (including The Edge’s property). Two candidates are running to replace her, one of whom, West Hollywood Councilwoman Lindsey Horvath, was our guest speaker earlier this month. L.A. City Council races in play include Districts 11, 4 and 5, which span big swaths of the mountains and hills. The politicians elected to these offices will be making, or influencing, many land-use decisions about development, fire policy, density and mansion-ization, among other things.
The Angeles Chapter has a “Political Committee” whose job it is to vet candidates for every office. As it happens, two Task Force members sit on that committee. Make sure you vote this month!
Eric Edmunds, Chair
Santa Monica Mountains Task Force